
CarbonFin Outliner allows you to organize your thoughts, tasks, and projects. Easily create a todo list for today, or track an entire project anywhere you are. Share your outlines, edit them online, and collaborate with other Outliner users.

Key Features:
* Create outlines for structured notes, lists, projects, tasks, tasks with subtasks,  etc.
* Search through all your outlines, or find text in the current outline.
* Tag your outlines, and filter based on tag.
* Create items as tasks (with checkboxes) or not
* Add notes to items

* Get a quick view of the progress of a parent task - each shows pie charts to indicate what percent of child items are complete
* Mark an entire tree as complete/not complete at once
* Easily move items within an outline using drag and drop
* Show or hide outline numbering
* Show each item's notes within the outline, or hide them to make more room
* Copy/paste a single item or all items
* Undo/redo
* Email outlines as text or OPML
* TextExpander support

Outliner Online Features:
* Securely synchronize your outlines with Outliner Online
* View and edit your outlines in any web browser
* Import outlines as OPML
* Save your outlines as text or OPML

Version 2.6.0 changes:
* Tagging of outlines
* Ability to mark an outline as "archived"
* Filtering of outlines by tag/archived
* Copy/paste will now allow pasting into other applications
* Added a "simple text" email format, useful for copy/paste into other apps
* Swipe to delete will give you the option to delete a tree
* TextExpander support
* Bug fixes

Version 2.5.1 changes:
* New icon provided by Neil Casini
* Bug fixes

Version 2.5 changes:
* Search
* A few keyboard shortcuts for inline editing
- Press RETURN in a new empty item to toggle between task/non-task
- Press SPACE in a new empty item to toggle its indentation (sibling/child)
* Added help documentation

Version 2.2 changes:
* Inline editing (double-tap to enter edit mode)

Version 2.1 changes:
* Added copy/paste
* Added undo/redo
* Added drag and drop to rearrange items
* Date display now honors locale
* The current item is save on exit if it is currently being edited
* Sync is now done securely over HTTPS
* OS 3.0+ now required

What's new in Version 2.6.0
* Tagging of outlines
* Ability to mark an outline as "archived"
* Filtering of outlines by tag/archived
* TextExpander support
* Copy/paste will now allow pasting into other applications
* Added a "simple text" email format, useful for copy/paste into other apps
* Swipe to delete will give you the option to delete a tree
* Bug fixes

Download here!

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