Off Remote

Off Remote lets you turn off your PC or Mac remotely.

If you use a computer to stream videos or audio to your living room, then you can turn them off without getting out of the sofa.

If you forget to turn things off at night then you can turn them off from your sofa.

If you want to know whether the computers in your house are turned off - you can check from your iPhone.

It's simple to use. It's very handy. It saves you the effort of walking to your computer!

• Key Features •

✔ Easily turn off your computer from anywhere in your house
✔ Turn Off, Lock, Log off, Restart,  and more
✔ Automatically discovers your computers in your local network
✔ Password protection makes sure that only you can turn off your computers!
✔ Control as many computers in your home as you like
✔ Uses the free Off-Helper from our site (download link is in the application)
✔ Supports Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Mac OS 10.5 or higher

• Reviews •

❛Off is a brilliant yet simple app that allows me to easily control the power state of all the PCs in my house. It also lets me check to make sure that when my daughter assures me she turned her computer off, that she really did.❜

❛Very simple and easy to setup. When I say simple I didn't have to set anything up. Just install the server and the app picked up my laptop straight away. All the buttons worked, it's amazing. No more having to get out if bed to turn the laptop off for the night.❜

❛We often end up PC's being left on overnight and this app has helped us manage this ... We have several wireless music senders dotted around the house also which feed off the desktop PC in the dining room. I've added iTunes to the startup menu on that PC and can restart the PC using this app ... once restarted I can then switch to my iTunes remote and start listening to my music without having to tramp downstairs.❜

❛such a simple program yet it's so handy at work and home I use It every day! and it's cool to be able to turn ur pc/mac off from your iPhone or iPod :D❜

• Response to feedback •

-If you do have any problems using Off, then please just check the help instructions in the app. Feel free to drop me an email (my personal mail is in the app) if you need help.

• Languages •

Off Remote is currently translated to 5 languages. If you are willing to translate it to your language, or would like to improve the translations, please head over to

What's new in Version 3.05
Addition of toolbar tips to the main page.
Update to the timer function to let you send commands with no delay.

Download here!

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