FlashDrive 8GB for iPhone

FlashDrive 8GB is #5 in Top Free in France, #15 in Belgium & #36 in Luxembourg!

Store any files on your device. Use a USB cable to copy your files over to the FlashDrive 8GB.

Store and view PDF files, Microsoft Office files,  iLife & iWork files, images. Or Store and play any movie and music files.

If you don't care of viewing your files, you can simply store any files including zip files, some encrypted files or proprietary files created by your favorite apps on PC or Mac.

Use a PC or a Mac to copy files! No Wi-Fi network or no cellular data service subscription is required.

** Simple Uses **

- Watch a movie you stored in Flash Drive 8GB. Simply copy a movie over to Flash Drive, and watch it when you want and wherever you want.

- Read a book or a report on the road or on a plane. Copy your latest report over to Flash Drive 8GB. And, read it when you want and where you want.

- Simply carry a file or two of any size with you to work, school or home in FlashDrive 8GB. It works anywhere and anytime. FlashDrive 8GB can handle very large file bigger than 2GB in size. NO WI-FI Connection Needed!

- And, it works like a real Flash Drive.

The Technical Details...

* Battery Optimized. You may use FlashDrive 8GB to play movies. For example, play several 2-hour movies back to back on FlashDrive 8GB and have plenty of battery charge left over to do other things like playing games or checking emails or surfing web. That should be important to you when you are on a long flight or road trip.

* Hardware-Based Video Play. It plays all supported video formats fast and efficiently. The hardware based video decoding gives us total in-sync voice & sound movie play. No more frustrating out-of-sync lip movement. And, no more slow or lagging video play!

** Note **

* The actual available space depends on the remaining memory capacity of your iPad. If your device has only 4GB space available, only that amount of space will be available to you to save your files in Flash Drive app.

* This app does not use any storage cloud service to save your files. Your files are your files. No one else can access your files.

* No Cellular data service subscription is required.

* No Wi-Fi network connection is required.

* No account is required to create.

* Easy & simple to use.

** Requirements **

* Need both iTunes & a USB cable to transfer files.

** iPad Support **
This version does not support iPad doc viewing or movie playing. To use iPad for doc viewing, get FlashDrive 8GB Universal.

For iPhone & iPod Touch, doc viewing & movie playing are supported with this version.

** Devices with 64GB, 32GB & 16GB space **
This flash drive can store very large files with size more than 8GB in size. Devices with 64GB or 32GB space are recommended.

** Backup & Restore **

* In case of a lost, stolen or broken device, all of your files will be restored if you back up your device with iTunes.

* The full backup & full restore feature is available to you only when you back up your device via iTunes. You may restore all of your files from a backup. This restore is done automatically, if you backup your device via iTunes.

What's new in Version 1.5
New Features
- Supports Super Large Files with GB in size ( > 2 GB file size)
- Handles any file size from 1 KB to 8GB.
- Added Free available space in GBytes, MBytes & KBytes.
- Added Delete button.
- Added table dynamic row height in editing mode.
- Corrected the available disk space by accommodating the system reserve space.
- Adjusted Background gradient in About Dialog for better readability.
- Fixed About modal dialog truncation issue.

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