
Developed by diabetics for diabetics. DiabetesPlus lets you administer your readings on your iPhone and saves time by enabling you to send the data directly to your doctor. With the new version of DiabetesPlus you are als able to print your documentation via AirPrint on your printer.

Administer your blood glucose (mg/dl and mmol/l), your dosage of insulin, carbohydrates, sport activities and notes simply and effectively with DiabetesPlus. With Version 1.1, DiabetesPlus is aware of insulin pump users and lets you administer your basalrates and insulin pump events.
Generate pdf-files with all relevant data and email them to your doctor or print them within seconds.

Recommended by Diabetes Center Hamburg West.

Key Features:
- Administration of measurements: blood glucose (mg/dl and mmol/l), dosage of insulin, carbohydrates, sport activities and notes
- Administration of basalrates and insulin pump events for insulinpump users
- Daily and monthly line graphs of your blood glucose
- Save insulin values with a minimum value of 0,1 IU and carbs with a minimum of 0,5 carbs
- Define your glucose target range
- Clear illustration due to coloured indicators
- Graphical reporting of target values
- Calculation of important statistics (average blood glucose, HbA1c, average dosage of insulin (short and long acting insulin), average carbohydrates)
- PDF-Export designed like the known diabetes diarys
- Email pdf to your doctor or to you to print it
- Enhance the report with your personal data (name, date of birth)
- Selection of your insulines (short and long acting) in settings

What's new in Version 1.5
- Print your exports directly from your iPhone/iPod on your printer
- Graphical evaluation of your blood glucose readings as a linechart (monthly or daily view)
- Define your insulin pump profile in more accurate 0.05 steps
- Miscellaneous new sports and insulines
- Miscellaneous small fixes and improvements
- New note icon directly insinde the diary view

Caution: Version 1.4 needs an iOS-Version of 4.0 or greater. If your device is working with a smaller iOS-Version, first update your device to a newer version, before loading the update of DiabetesPlus.

Download here!

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