Deep Whois ~ lookup IPs, Domains, IDNs, ASNs

Using Deep Whois™ you can search public WHOIS databases for hostnames, domains, IP addresses, IP networks and autonomous systems (ASNs).

Deep Whois™ automatically selects WHOIS servers and performs a lookup. When more information is available it follows deeper by continuing the lookup at referral WHOIS servers.


- WHOIS domains, IP addresses, ranges and ASNs
- Automatic selection of WHOIS servers
- Digging WHOIS records from referrals
- E-mail WHOIS results
- Result history for all lookups
- Group results into multiple histories
- Works with Wi-Fi, 3G, EDGE and GPRS
- Eye-pleasing interface design

*** see it in action - videos are on support page ***

Scany™, Nice Trace™, Net Status™, RBL Status™, Spyglass™

What's new in Version 1.9
- Added German, Italian, Dutch, French, Spanish and Russian localizations
- High resolution graphics and icons (for Retina display)
- Significantly improved stability
- Support of internationalized domain names (IDN, all of 15 new TLD zones)
- Support of many international encodings
- Support of lots of new SLD zones (1677 in total)
- Support of 38 new TLD along with 10 new IDN zones with WHOIS (156 in total)
- Support of 119 new TLD along with 5 new IDN zones with DNS* (124 in total)
- Support of pseudo-WHOIS (for zones with no WHOIS)*
- Support of custom WHOIS servers (see hints below)
- Improved WHOIS for .DE and .JP zones
- Improved WHOIS anti-SPAM
- Improved country of origin detection
- Updated country database
- Bug fixes

* - for zones that have no WHOIS servers the information is obtained via DNS


To use custom WHOIS servers type the server name first and then, after a space type the query.

Download here!

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