Google Search

Get the most advanced Google search experience for your iPhone, now with Google Goggles, Voice Search and My Location.

* Search by taking a picture with your iPhone camera.
* Good at identifying barcodes, products, famous landmarks, artwork, storefronts, business cards and print ads.
* Image recognition technology recognizes objects and returns relevant search results.
* New! Translates text in 6 languages and solves Sudoku puzzles.


* Search by speaking into your iPhone.
* Just bring the phone to your ear, wait for the tone and speak your query.
* Supports American, British, Indian, Australian or South African English accents, Afrikaans, Cantonese, Czech, Dutch, French, Spanish, German, Italian,  Korean, Japanese, Mandarin (Simplified and Traditional), Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish and Zulu.

* See results customized to where you are (e.g. ‘weather’).
* Find places nearby without needing to type your current location (e.g. ‘pizza’ or ‘movies’).

* Google Suggest: get search suggestions as you type, saving you keystrokes.
* URL suggestions: navigate to popular web sites quickly by tapping site web address suggestions.
* Contact search: quickly find contacts in your address book.
* Search history: instant access to your previous searches.
* Easy access to other Google products: launch products like Maps, Gmail and Voice from the Apps tab.

What's new in Version
Minor bug fixes

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