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--One of the best rss readers by iPadForumItalia.com
With GoReader you can:
GoReader fully syncs all your feeds, news, news states with the most speed. We made the fastest news reader in AppStore ever.
One of the most important things in news - is managing. You can star and unstar your news, you can keep the news unread for future use and one of the most important you can sync all of that with Google™.
You can read all your RSS news in many types, with many customization and what is more - in the most comfortable way for you. Sync with Google Reader™ allows you to read news even in offline mode.
We put a lot of time and effort into interface prototyping and design. Now GoReader is the most comfortable iPhone news reader ever created, you won’t get tired reading news or browsing the app.
With fast built-in browser you can read the news from their source - just tap any link - and browser will show it.
GoReader supports multiple google accounts, supports even Google Apps accounts, so using many accounts and switching between them is fast and easy-to-use.
The app supports adding the subscriptions, customization for reading the news and other more awesome features...
What's new in Version 1.5.0
New features:
✓ Images caching fully reworked
✓ Synchronization now fully supports multitasking
✓ Local notifications about finished sync
✓ Improved user interface for some views
✓ Regrouped all settings
✓ Fixed crash on sync for some users
✓ Fixed percentage of "Syncing news states"
✓ Fixed not refreshed favicons after first synchronization
✓ Fixed not refreshed view after deleting of account
Coming soon:
Google Reader Notes, new way of viewing news, Mac version...
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